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Combatting Loneliness and Isolation Through Befriending


Loneliness and isolation can have a profound impact on mental health, which is why our Befriending Team is dedicated to creating opportunities for connection and conversation.

This week, we hosted a coffee morning at Avonhurst House, a regular activity designed to bring people together and foster community bonds. Residents in facilities like Avonhurst may not often socialize with one another, so these gatherings are essential for encouraging friendships and providing a safe space for open discussion.

Along with enjoying music and casual chats, we also engage in meaningful conversations about living healthy lives and overcoming challenges. At this week’s coffee morning, we focused on the GP-patient relationship, discussing both positive experiences and challenges faced by residents. By understanding these issues, we can better support our community and identify areas where help is needed.

Through activities like this, we’re building a supportive network that strengthens wellbeing and encourages a sense of belonging.