We are very proud of our work preventing homelessness by engaging with people with housing needs as early as possible. We also work with homeless people to get them into suitable accommodation, most often by signposting to the right organisation to help them. We have a small team of IAG workers who will try to help with any situation we are presented with.
Key achievements 2023:
- 598 Clients received housing support
- 45% women of which 34% were over 70yrs, 55% men of which 65% were aged 65yrs and older
- 34 under 35 year olds supported into accomodation with ongoing support
- 23 older men and women moved into supported accomodation
- 81 single homeless people supported into housing
- 250+ people signposted for help with street homelessness
- 90% of clients availed of support with associated challenges e.g. benefits advice, financial and debt information, access to NHS services
- Average of 60 people accessed our meal service
- Hybrid support via face to face and phone/digital support is offered where clients cannot meet face to face
We help with housing assistance today, helping liaise with landlords and making applications to housing associations and local council. Please get in touch if you wish to book an appointment.
Closed programmes :-
As with our other services our Housing support programmes were severely challenged by the Covid-19 pandemic. We offered support online, by phone or by socially distanced face to face appointments. Our Assessment Centre closed in April 2020 when we were instructed by the GLA and Brent Council to move all clients to hotels as our living quarters here were not suitable to social distancing. The closure of the Assessment Centre meant the loss of most of our Housing staff. Whilst most clients were eventually housed, we have lost a key component of our housing service i.e. the ability to offer emergency accommodation to single homeless people.
Our Boost Up programme supporting 18 – 24-year-old homeless people into secure accommodation ended in June 2021 as funding ceased at that point. Our Big Lottery funded ‘Independent Lifestyles’ project also continued to support clients but ended in June 2021.