Ashford Place sees itself as a charity for the whole community and as such is keen to join residents and businesses to develop a pleasant and sustainable place for all of us. As Chair of the Cricklewood Town Team (CTT ) since 2009 Danny Maher, CEO of Ashford Place continued to meet with the CTT membership, mostly via zoom to discuss the Town Team’s response to Covid-19 and how best to support residents and local businesses. Despite the challenging year, the Town Team continues to improve and develop the area and remained the voice of residents in our community.
CTT volunteers work in partnership with residents, business and statutory bodies have been working hard to improve the environment in Cricklewood over ten years. We benefit from thriving local resident associations such as NorthWestTwo, the Railway Cottages, Mapesbury RA and groups such as Clitherhouse Farm, local businesses, our Councillors from our surrounding wards of Mapesbury (Brent), Childs Hill (Barnet) and Fortune Green (Camden), and of course our residents.
Key achievements:
The Brent NCIL-funded pedestrianisation of Oaklands Road/Broadway. Completion and formal opening is scheduled for July 21 to coincide with easing of the latest lockdown. The project was completed in March 21 and now offers a safe attractive pedestrian space including improved air-quality on the Broadway.
The Town Team’s partnership with GTR at Cricklewood station enabled CTT and residents’ associations to obtain funding for improved facilities at the Station. There is a stunning art installation on the approach to Platform 1 by local artist and CTT member, Alistair Lambert acknowledging the historical presence of the aeronautical industry in Cricklewood. A history project will be installed in the new passenger waiting area as soon as this has been finalised, bringing the story of Cricklewood over the past 150 years. The plan for the garden on the platform was stopped by the rail companies from a safety viewpoint. However, the wonderful repainting of Cricklewood on the railway bridge was undertaken by using that funding and a lot of hard work by Northwest Two RA to get all the requirements in place for the work to be undertaken safely.
CTT continued to work with the Cricklewood Business Association to ensure clear communication of public realm projects and their development on the Broadway e.g. Brent Cross development which include new road works on the Broadway.
The TfL Legible London signpost installation was completed during the year.
The Cricklewood Community Library continues to be developed and is expected to formally open in the summer of 2021. CTT encourages residents to get involved in the range of planned activities. It’s been a hard struggle to raise the funds and credit goes to this local success.
The search for community space in Cricklewood continues; the Town Team aims to use the space for local involvement in environmental and well-being issues.