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Fit & Well - exercise and activities programme

Building on the success of a programme of exercise and wellbieng activities funded by Brent Council from 2016-2018 and with the support of Mercers Philantrophy (2021-2023), this project aims to enable vulnerable, lonely and socially isolated people in Brent to be fitter, healthier and happier, feel part of the community and to take control of their own health and wellbeing. The ultimate change we will bring about will be enabling people in Brent to lead better lives through being more active, healthier, confident and better connected. The project’s main beneficiaries will be those in Brent who are who describe themselves as socially isolated,  leading sedentary lives, vulnerable and disadvantaged. The project supports people over 55 years of age and has a particular focus on BAME communities.

We will achieve:

  • Increased capacity and motivation to be fitter and healthier
  • Community fitness hubs
  • Community champions
  • Greater awareness of good health, nutrition and fitness

And our Project Outcomes are:

  • Reduced lonliness in our older community 
  • Feeling fitter and happier
  • Being more actively involved in the local community
  • Eating better and drinking and smoking less
  • Increased confidence in accessing community and mainstream services.
  • social inclusion, improved confidence and self-determination.

For more information please call 020 8208 8590 or email [email protected].