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Mindful Art for relaxation


The Dementia Hubs team took a group to visit the Wallace collection on Friday 24th where we had a wellness session with a member of the Wallace team called Lucia.

We started with Some meditation, so that we could get into the sprit of things and allowing us the chance to open up our minds to really understanding the art around use and letting go of anything that would not let us appreciate what we were experiencing on the day.

We then moved to the West room where we studied a painting by Joshua Reynolds called Mrs Mary Nesbitt 1781.

Here we was given Some history about the painting and ask to really focus on the different elements of the picture. While taking deep breaths. We looked at colours, shapes and was asked for our interpretation of the piece of art – which gave us a real insight into the painting and artist.

We were then led back to the educational centre for tea, coffee and light snacks and the group was able to walk around the gallery and explore the different works independently.