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Socially connected while living with dementia


Ashford Place Dementia Café, which meets every Tuesday afternoon from 2 – 4pm continues to go from strength to strength, with members enjoying a variety of activities every week from art and craft activities to quizzes, singing and dancing and a weekly gentle exercise session. The Café also has regular health updates on the importance of maintaining a positive physical and mental outlook. The café supports the importance of socialising and making new friends in a safe and supportive environment where everyone also has access to the support network of the Community Action on Dementia team led by Debbie Howe email:  and her team of advisors, who are also based at Ashford Place. Decafe also acknowledges with gratitude the support of its regular group of volunteers – Jonathan, Patsy, Vivienne, Ann, and Caty who help to ensure the smooth running of the weekly activities.

Upcoming events for the DeCafe members include a musical afternoon with musicians from the Royal Albert Hall, Fire Safety talks from Willesden Fire Service and a visit from the choir at Our Lady of Grace Infant School.


Ashford Place Dementia Café remembers with joy and fondness, regular members Frances, Javed and Neval who recently passed away, RIP.  We send our condolences to their families and friends.