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Community support services on the increase for people living with dementia and their carers in Brent


Social support for people with dementia and their carers in Brent

Information about groups can change so we recommend checking days and times before making a journey.


For people with dementia

Dementia Cafes:-

Dementia Café run by City Mission Hub (Willesden)

Mondays 10.30am - 1.30pm at 2 Scrubs Lane, College Park, London NW10 6RB

You are welcome to join us at our Dementia Café.  We offer a social space for people with dementia and memory loss and their carers to relax, socialise, do activities and get support. Our free activities include weekly chair exercise (run by 1Life), singing sessions, games club, film club, plus much more. Refreshments & Lunch Available.

For more information contact us at [email protected] or phone 07939 997 677.


Dementia Café Cricklewood

Tuesdays 2 – 4pm, Ashford Place, 60 Ashford Road, NW2 6TU

Join us at our Dementia Café in Ashford Place. Our aim is to provide people who live with dementia as well as other mental health issues, their carers and families an

opportunity to gather in an informal, relaxed and friendly atmosphere and meet other people in similar circumstances. Free.

For more information telephone Danny Maher on 020 8208 8591.


Dementia Café Kingsbury run by Elders Voice

Wednesdays 2-4pm, St Sebastian & St Pancras RC Church, Father O'Callaghan Centre, Hay Lane, Kingsbury NW9 0NG.

For further information please contact Lynn Burling, Memory Café Project Worker on 0208 968 8170 / [email protected].


Dementia Café North Wembley

Thursdays 11am-1pm, St Cuthbert's Church, 214 Carlton Ave West, North Wembley HA0 3QY

Join us at our Dementia Café at St Cuthbert’s Church. Our aim is to provide people who live with dementia, their carers and families an opportunity to gather in an informal, relaxed and friendly atmosphere and meet other people in similar circumstances. Free.

For more information telephone 020 8904 8599 or email: [email protected]


Dementia Café Kensal Green run by Elders Voice

Fridays 11am-1pm, 181 Mortimer Road, Kensal Green, NW10 5TN. This is a group for people with dementia and their carers/relatives. Activities include arts and crafts, quizzes, singing and relaxation, information sessions, support as and when you need it, a chance to chat with others, the opportunity to decide what activities you would like to see developed, refreshments.  For further information please contact Lynn Burling, Memory Café Project Worker on 0208 968 8170 / [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you.


Dementia Café – Willesden Sports Centre

Donnington Road, Willesden, NW10 3QX

Tuesdays 1-3pm 

A place for people with dementia and their carers to relax, socialise, do activities and get support. All ages are welcome. Free.

Contact: Jo de Souza: 020 8955 1120 x 248 email: [email protected]


Memory Lounge, Barnham Community Library

Unit 4, 660 Harrow Road Wembley HA0 2HB. 

Tuesdays 11.45-1.45pm

Memory Lounge for people with memory loss/dementia and their carers. Relaxing social, activities, art class, advice and support sessions and free chair yoga. Buses 18, 92, 182, 204 and H17 stop nearby. Free. For more information telephone 07732309991 or email [email protected]


Dementia Support

Every Monday, times vary, Chalkhill Community Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road, HA9 9FX. Conversation for people with mild to moderate dementia. Free. Contact Saira: 07932 526 222


Dementia Peer Support Projects

Dementia Peer Support Project run by Ashford Place

Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm, Ashford Place, 60 Ashford Road, NW2 6TU

Supporting people living with dementia to support each other. Suitable for people who have capacity to engage in a peer support role. Free.

Contact  or 020 8208 8591  [email protected]


For people caring for someone with dementia

Sudbury Dementia Carers Support Group - Sudbury Methodist Church

Fortnightly on Wednesday 11am-1pm, Sudbury Methodist Church, 809 Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2LP

Free. Open to all carers of people with dementia. Contact: Frank Arrojo 07867 903 917 or [email protected]


Wembley Dementia Carers Support Group

Fortnightly on Monday 1-3pm, St Erconwald's Catholic Church,112 Carlton Ave East, Wembley, HA9 8NB

Support group for carers of someone with dementia. A relaxed and supportive environment. Free. Contact: Frank Arrojo 07867 903 917 or [email protected]


Day care

Day centres with activities, lunch and often transport may be funded by Brent Council or privately from about £30 a day.

Mon – Fri 10.30-2.30pm, Day Care and Development Centre, Alric Avenue, off Bruce Road, NW10 8RA.

Offer collect and drop-off service at extra charge. For anyone with a disability or who is isolated including people with dementia, mild to moderate learning disability or mental health issues. Not profound needs, ie not 1-1 support. £60-£75 per day. Contact: Zeenat Dewa: 020 8459 1030 or [email protected]

  • Elders Voice has day centres in Kensal Green on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Kingsbury on Mondays. Both offer activities such as movement to music, arts and crafts, yoga, singing and drama sessions. We offer massage on a fortnightly basis. Self-funded places from £40. Contact Dawn Clarke on 07455 784722 or email [email protected]

Monday – Friday 10.30-3.30pm. Activities may include art class, computer class, keep fit, knitting, music therapy, tai chi, quizzes, games, outings.

Can also be paid for privately from £35. Phone 020 8908 1220 or email [email protected]  


Other support and information


A social campaigning group working towards a dementia friendly Brent.

Dementia Cafes Brent

Supporting people living with dementia and their communities to create support services. Contact: [email protected]